Lender's agent forecloses on Stuyvesant Town

Reuters, 16 Feb 2010
NEW YORK, Feb 16 (Reuters) - The trustees for the holders of securitized senior mortgages on Stuyvesant Town/Peter Cooper Village in Manhattan have moved to foreclose after the owner of the apartment complex failed to make the monthly installments on the $3 billion loan.
The mezzanine holders include Winthrop Realty Trust (FUR.N) with $300 million, Government of Singapore Investment Corp with $575 million, Hartford Financial Services Group Inc (HIG.N) with $100 million, Deutsche Genossenschafts-Hypothekenbank AG with $100 million and Gramercy Capital Corp (GKK.N)/SL Green Realty Corp (SLG.N) with the most junior slice at $200 million, according to Real Capital Analytics. Full Story