Three Types of Narcissism That Are Damaging Democracy, 5 Nov 2008, David Gruder

Narcissism (self-centeredness, entitlement and non-self-responsibility) is one of the most widespread and devastating issues we face today. Yet, it is perhaps the least discussed of the major issues we face. It is high time that we pull this profoundly damaging integrity deficit out of the closet, expose it for what it is, and stop it from continuing to create dysfunction at all levels of society.

The three primary forms that narcissists (self-centered, entitled and non-self-responsible individuals, as well as far too many special interest/lobbying groups) come in include:

1. Learned Helplessness: Narcissists imprisoned in the belief that they are innocent victims of other people and of the 'system,' and that this entitles them to be taken care of or rescued, rather than having to become self-responsible and empowered. The two fools in the outstanding video you watched above are a powerful example of this form of narcissism.

2. Greed: Narcissists imprisoned in boundless ends-justifies-the-means greed, in which they want what they want when they want it and in the quantity they want it, no matter how much this damages other people or society-at-large.

3. Rightness Addiction: Narcissists who are so blinded by their own political, religious, philopophical, economic, or educational ideology, that they believe they are entitled to inflict their allegedly superior or "right" world view and beliefs on others.

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