OPINION: The divisive, intolerant and quarrelsome phase - Seah Chiang Nee

The Star Online, 29 Sep 2012
POLITICS in Singapore has moved from collective consensus to – disturbingly for the government – a divisive, intolerant and quarrelsome phase.
It is erasing some of the political values implanted on the population by former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew over a long period.
A year after the political icon left the Cabinet, his successors are struggling with a new environment that has brought a spate of criticisms on them on many things they do.
There is mounting concern, even anger, not against allowing in foreigners but over the large numbers allowed in and the impact it has on jobs.
In an apparent coordinated series, government leaders have made a series of speeches condemning querulous politics that divide Singapore.
By ignoring its own faults or addressing them head-on, the government appeared to want to put the blame on its critics.
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