Read the full story of how this 11-year-old girl viciously beat up a male toddler and threw him out of the 25th floor balcony in Chongqing China:
Horrifying elevator surveillance video shows young girl stealing, beating baby before throwing him out window in Chongqing
- Little Chinese Girl Throws Baby Boy Off Building in Chongqing -
- Baby boy kicked and stamped on, then 'thrown to his death from a balcony' by girl aged TEN after his mother accidentally left him behind in a lift -
- Baby Brutally Beaten, Thrown Off Balcony by 10-Year-Old in China After Elevator Doors Close Abruptly Separating Mom and Child - The Christian Post
- Horrifying video shows girl in China beating toddler in an elevator -
- 10-Year-Old Girl Reportedly Throws Baby Boy From 25th Floor Balcony -
- Girl, 10, Filmed Brutally Killing Lift Toddler - Malaysian Digest